New paper on the regulation of plant endocytosis via phase separation published in Nature Cell Biology

In this large collaborative study, several teams converged to unravel the role AtEH1/2 proteins, which is the essential subunit of the plant-specific endocytic adaptor protein complex TPC. Our team focused on the lipid-driven biomolecular condensation of the EH1/2 proteins. Using tobacco pollen tubes and leaf epidermal cells as model system, our team showed that EH1/2 condensates specifically nucleate on the plasma membrane through interactions with anionic phospholipids, and facilitate the dynamic recruitment and assembly of clathrin, early-, and late-stage endocytic accessory proteins. Importantly, this condensation also promotes ordered clathrin assemblies.

Dragwidge JM, Wang Y, Brocard L, De Meyer A, Hudeček R, Grones P, Buridan M, Chambaud C, Pejchar P, Potocký M, Winkler J, Vandorpe M, Serre N, Fendrych M, Bernard A, De Jaeger G, Pleskot R, Fang X, Van Damme D (2023) Biomolecular condensation orchestrates clathrin-mediated endocytosis in plants, NATURE CELL BIOLOGY, in press doi:10.1038/s41556-024-01354-6

New paper on the functional diversification of exocyst subunits published in Plant Journal

The exocyst complex is an octameric evolutionarily conserved tethering complex engaged in the regulation of polarized secretion in eukaryotic cells. In this paper, we focused on systematic comparison of two isoforms of the SEC15 exocyst subunit, SEC15a and SEC15b. We have documented that both isoforms are parts of the exocyst complex and play dominant roles in the exocyst-dependent secretion in the male gametophyte or sporophyte, respectively.

Batystová K, Synek L, Klejchová M, Janková Drdová E, Sabol P, Potocký M, Žárský V, Hála M*. (2022) Diversification of SEC15a and SEC15b isoforms of an exocyst subunit in seed plants is manifested in their specific roles in Arabidopsis sporophyte and male gametophyte. Plant Journal in press DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15744

New paper describing the trafficking of the PR1 protein published in Molecular Plant Pathology

The pathogenesis-related 1 (PR1) protein is frequently used for biotic stress monitoring in plants. Until now, the molecular mechanisms of its cellular processing, localization, and function were still unknown. In this work, we performed a comparative analysis of localization, trafficking, proteolysis, and immunity effects of A. thaliana PR1 and its truncated/mutated variants.

Pečenková T*, Pejchar P, Moravec T, Drs M, Haluška S, Šantrůček J, Potocká A, Žárský V, Potocký M*. (2022) Immunity functions of Arabidopsis pathogenesis-related 1 are coupled but not confined to its C-terminus processing and trafficking. Molecular Plant Pathology in press DOI:10.1111/mpp.13187

The long-awaited paper on the architecture of endocytic TPLATE complex is published in Science Advances!

Klaas Yperman*, Jie Wang*, Dominique Eeckhout, Joanna Winkler, Lam Dai Vu, Michael Vandorpe, Peter Grones, Evelien Mylle, Michael Kraus, Romain Merceron, Jonah Nolf, Eliana Mor, Pieter De Bruyn, Remy Loris, Martin Potocký, Savvas N. Savvides, Bert De Rybel, Geert De Jaeger, Daniël Van Damme and Roman Pleskot (2021). Molecular architecture of the endocytic TPLATE complex. Science Advances. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abe7999.

This paper is an outcome of the extensive collaboration - five groups from VIB Ghent and our lab, which contributed the lipid-binding assays. We are super proud of Roman Pleskot, who worked on this project both in Ghent (as a postdoc in Daniel’s Van Damme lab) and here in Prague and is one of the corresponding authors!


New paper on moss exocyst in press

SEC6 exocyst subunit contributes to 3D growth and development of Physcomitrium patens

Lucie Brejšková, Michal Hála, Anamika Rawat, Hana Soukupová, Fatima Cvrčková, Florence Charlot, Fabien Nogué, Samuel Haluška and Viktor Žárský*
Plant Journal 2021 in press
