The long-awaited paper on the architecture of endocytic TPLATE complex is published in Science Advances!

Klaas Yperman*, Jie Wang*, Dominique Eeckhout, Joanna Winkler, Lam Dai Vu, Michael Vandorpe, Peter Grones, Evelien Mylle, Michael Kraus, Romain Merceron, Jonah Nolf, Eliana Mor, Pieter De Bruyn, Remy Loris, Martin Potocký, Savvas N. Savvides, Bert De Rybel, Geert De Jaeger, Daniël Van Damme and Roman Pleskot (2021). Molecular architecture of the endocytic TPLATE complex. Science Advances. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abe7999.

This paper is an outcome of the extensive collaboration - five groups from VIB Ghent and our lab, which contributed the lipid-binding assays. We are super proud of Roman Pleskot, who worked on this project both in Ghent (as a postdoc in Daniel’s Van Damme lab) and here in Prague and is one of the corresponding authors!


New paper on moss exocyst in press

SEC6 exocyst subunit contributes to 3D growth and development of Physcomitrium patens

Lucie Brejšková, Michal Hála, Anamika Rawat, Hana Soukupová, Fatima Cvrčková, Florence Charlot, Fabien Nogué, Samuel Haluška and Viktor Žárský*
Plant Journal 2021 in press
